From the beginning of your manifestation of your worldly life, you have accepted the belief in your separation from God. This belief is necessary so that you can accept the physical reality of your life in the world. Your idea of separation is reinforced by your ego continually creating stumbling blocks, division and conflict between yourself and your brothers and sisters and God. In this process God has not abandoned you, nor is this even possible. The truth is, you are not separated from God nor can you be. You and God are One in the unity of the spirit..
The Great I Am has supported you in your willingness to participate in the worldly experiences that you have chosen for yourself for the purpose of your learning and your personal growth. Throughout your worldly experience, in order to create separation, you are continually judged and condemned by yourself and all those who interact with you for all of your shortcomings as determined by yourself and your world. God does not judge nor condemn you for any of your actions from the worldly life that you have created. The reality is that your life in the world is an illusion, a dream you are having while you remain at “home” with God. It is merely a drama that you have created for yourself from your mind. You believe the dream is real. This is simply the way it is for everyone. As you and your brothers and sisters awaken from your dream to your real existence in unity with Divinity and All That Is, you and your world will transform to a higher spiritual dimension. This spiritual phenomenon is happening to you and your world now. The amazing thing is, through all that you are experiencing, you are in complete control of your life journey. You always have the freedom of choice to express all that you are, and all that you are meant to be.
Discover more of my spiritual journey in our book, The Divine Mystery Revealed:The Book of Answers. The inspired messages in this book may aid you in your own healing and bring you to a place of peace and deep awareness.