In unity with the physical reality of your life in the world, a Divine Consciousness has quietly used individuals, events, and circumstances to guide you on your journey to become aware of your true nature and the truth concerning your illusionary life in the world. The different choices that you have made at pivotal points in your life journey have determined the direction your life will take. In this way, Divinity has gently led you to discover the truth concerning; your real identity, your higher purpose in seeking out your current life experience and your relationship to All That Is. This absolute truth is the same for everyone whether they are aware of the spiritual influences in their life or not.. If you review all the experiences and individuals that have influenced you throughout your lifetime, you will be amazed by all that you have learned along the way. On the face of things, your life experiences and the people you have interacted with have been key to the fulfilment of your life purpose. The value of your experiences, both good and bad, relates directly to the learning, personal growth and deepening understanding you have received from your participation in them. From a spiritual perspective, experiences are neither good nor bad in themselves; they provide us with the learning we are seeking from our worldly experience.
You may begin to realize that on a higher spiritual level, it’s not so much what you do that’s important but what you learn from the experiences that you have created for yourselves in the great drama that is your worldly life. It’s important for you to understand that ultimately all your life experiences are leading you on a journey to remember who you really are, your relationship to God, and your relationship to each other. As you progress along the way, you become more and more aware of your real identity as an aspect and expression of all that God is. In fact, with the help of your brothers and sisters, you are having an illusionary experience in the world that you have created. Through the process of awakening from your dream, you will remember that you are an aspect of the Divine involved in a worldly experience that you have manifested in order to experience all that humanity has to offer you.